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Leonardo Di Caprio on why he hasn't settled down yet

​Di Caprio in The Great Gatsby

Probably one of the most successful stars on the planet, actor Leonardo Di Caprio explained why he hasn't met that special someone yet.

"Six months of being on location or being off in Morocco or someplace like that is not the best thing for a relationship," Said Di Caprio in an interview to Esquire.

But that's not to say he's complaining. The 38-year-old actor says that "getting your foot in the door (in Hollywood) is like winning the lottery."

"It's literally like winning the lottery if you get to have a career," he continues. "And I've always felt, 'Okay, now I've gotten this show, and I'm lucky to have gotten this show, and if I don't do this to the best of my ability--if I don't work my ass off and make a life of it--I've squandered this incredibly golden opportunity. And that's always been what has propelled me."

​The actor will next be seen in The Great Gatsby which is directed by Baz Luhrmann, and also stars Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton, Isla Fisher, Amitabh Bachchan and Jason Clarke.

​Trailer: The Great Gatsby - Click to Subscribe! - Visit our site! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! The Great Gatsby opens in theaters on May 10, 2013.