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SRK-Salman cold war ends at Iftar party

The Salman Khan-Shah Rukh Khan cold war has dominated tabloids for over five years. The two superstars who were once friends, came to blows at Salman's then girlfriend Katrina Kaif's birthday party, and since then have avoided coming face to face publicly. Since the heated incident, however, neither has refrained from taking public potshots at each other's expense, with friends of the stars being at wits end too after having been forced to pick their loyalties.

SRK-Salman have avoided each other for over 5 years

However, the two seem to be in a rather forgiving mood, with it being the religious month of Ramadan, and have apparently hugged and made up at an MLA's Iftar party (a community gathering to break a fast) which took place at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. 

Salman and SRK at the party

Sources at the party confirmed that two superstars met and hugged, and we even have photographic evidence of the same courtesy  

Well that was a long time coming. All the people close to the stars can finally breath a sigh of relief.  

What's next? A movie? Or is it too soon for that? 

Video: Salman-SRK patch up (Courtesy Indicine) 

SRK and Salman Hug at Baba Siddique Iftar Party. Finally Patch up. More info: The two superstars who first fought at Katrina Kaif's birthday 5 years ago.. finally patched up! Shahrukh - Salman Fight and Patch up

SRK-Salman hug at Iftar Party (courtesy Indicine & NDTV) 

SRK-Salman at the Iftar party (courtesy Indicine)

SRK-Salman at the party (courtesy NDTV)